
Cinnamon Mancini is a Spiritualist Medium, Psychic Counselor, and Teacher of the Intuitive Arts:
She has had the good fortune to travel across the U.S. and Europe on behalf of Spirit; bringing messages of hope, love, inspiration, and healing to those in need.
Although psychic from birth, it was the experience of a major stroke which propelled Cinnamon to accept her role as an ambassador for Spirit. At the direction of her Guides, and after years of physical recovery, and spiritual unfoldment, Cinnamon has carved her path as an evidential medium.
She has the pleasure of traveling to various parts of the U.S. offering private sittings, public demonstrations of spirit communication, and is thrilled to teach weekend intensive workshops.
Cinnamon's greatest joy is the center she founded in Virginia Beach.
The Center for Progressive Movement is a place where some of today's best and brightest mediums, psychics, and healers from around the world come to share the knowledge that we are more than our physical bodies.
Cinnamon's mission is to elevate the conscious awareness of the soul thru the discipline of evidential mediumship.
Mediumship Services
Private Sittings
Phone Sittings
Group Parties
Public Demonstration
Will travel for of 15 or more
Pricing for a Session:
$210 for a two person 50 min session
$168 for a one person 50 min session
$105 for a one person 25 min session
$63 for a one person 15 min session
Payment Options
5267 Greenwich Rd.
Bldg #101 Suite B
Virginia Beach, Va 23462
We are located in the 1st set of buildings as you come into the parking lot. Please enter the building; head Down the stairs; and enter the door to the left, and have a seat in the lobby.
(757) 636-4813
Hours By Appointment Only