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"A Warm Welcome Home, Love Raleigh"

Writer's picture: Cinnamon Cinnamon

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

This past weekend I made a low key trip to Raleigh, North Carolina for some Spirit communication.

The drive is a short three hours from Virginia Beach, and with my husband at the wheel we enjoyed our time listening to audiobooks, losing ourselves in conversation, and singing some our favorite songs as loud as our voices would take us.

It was comforting, and quite frankly, necessary, to have my husband's support on this trip. I would even say that I could not have made the trip, YET, without him picking up for me in the spaces that allowed me to reserve my energy for Spirit communication.

Highway sixty-four turned into highway four-forty and I felt home.

**in the familiarity my souls heart feels peace**

Driving into town, I thought back to the first time I came to Raleigh ....... it was here that I let my barriers down, and took a chance t to reveal the truth of who I am as a messenger of Spirit. The residents of Raleigh provided the warm embrace that let me know my authentic self was welcomed, and even appreciated.

In my mind, I am giggling as Spirit rolls the video snippet....

It' is August of 2008.

Elizabeth (my oldest daughter) and I packed up the Winnebago, and headed to the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in Raleigh, North Carolina. The whole trip came out of nowhere (winky, wink - surely a push from spirit!), and appeared as a last minute decision on my part to attend the event as a vendor..... in fact, it was so last minute that there were no "reader" spaces available. However, almost right on que a cancellation came up, and I was offered that spot. I giggle in heartfelt laughter because i was so focused on being "ready" to be of service that I didn't have one single item needed to set up for a reading station! Oh, my goodness, i laugh thinking of it all. Thank God for Walmart and college freshman!

Elizabeth helped people to sign in, and she kept track of my time on her watch. We were so busy all day long!

The next morning - Sunday - I woke up, and cried. Every psychic muscle in my soul ached. My brain hurt, my heart felt heavy and my emotions were all over the board. I counted the cash in the money bag, and begged through streaming tears, "Look, we can go home. We made enough money to pay for the vendor's spot, our gas, and the stuff we bought last night at Walmart."

"Mom," Elizabeth said, "there are people coming today that signed up, yesterday. And, other's who want to come back with friends, and family member's to see you, today."

I sat in bed, ate my oatmeal, and cried until I felt I could have another go at it. I showed up thirty minutes late, and as it would turn out there was someone in the chair waiting for me. In no time, I was back into the Spirit World and stayed there until the building was empty, and I was the last reader finishing up with the last expo participant.

I went back to Raleigh in February of 2009, and have been there twice a year, once in August, and once in February EVERY Year since 2008.

Fifteen years later. Trip number thirty in September. No Expo. No emails. No social media. Twelve hours. Three days. LOVE. Purpose. Meaning. Gratitude. ....... and One Good Looking Support System.


It felt soo-ooo good to be where and with the people where it all started.

Thank you, Raleigh for all the love and support you have shown me through the years. You are my spiritual family and my spiritual home. I will be forever grateful for all the memories, and the life within me that you embraced and nurtured. Until next time, beautiful people, be well!

Big hugs and lots of love, Cinnamon

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